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China's Housing Market Correction and Credit Bubble Threaten a Lost Economic Decade /
2024-05-20 14:02:05

China's Housing Market Correction and Credit Bubble Threaten a Lost Economic Decade on Nostr: China's Plan to Buy Housing to Boost Property Sector and Economic Recovery ...

China's Plan to Buy Housing to Boost Property Sector and Economic Recovery
#63bf5aa2 ver:0.26

China's government plans to buy housing and land to boost the struggling property sector and support economic recovery. The purchases will be funded through the central bank and local government special bonds. Analysts believe more ambitious measures are needed to turn the sector around, as the market faces a downturn and a growing debt crisis. The government aims to address excess inventory and provide cheap loans to state-owned enterprises. However, concerns about adding more debt and inducing private sector demand remain. The announcement has led to a rally in developer shares, but some foreign investors remain cautious....

#newstr #China #PropertyMarket #HousingSales #EconomicRecovery #Policies

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