Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-16 02:57:48
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gil on Nostr: im not sure i agree that people dont murder bad people because murder is illegal. im ...

im not sure i agree that people dont murder bad people because murder is illegal.

im pretty sure in the same way many people would have a hard time murdering a squirrel, are people pretty reluctant to murder another human being whether it is legal or not.

as in, if you are having atypical thoughts divorced from the emotional weight & the cost on the body .. im not really sure what the practical point of it all is

as in: a thought experiment for no purpose that wouldnt play out in reality anyway

just seems like a strange way to spend time?
but then, what do i know
& i do hope you are getting something from it even if i cant see what it is
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