Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-10 20:07:00

npub127…tyw2a on Nostr: commit 1ec05e23b607acd2756d289ad7db36822762d313 Author: randymcmillan ...

commit 1ec05e23b607acd2756d289ad7db36822762d313
Author: randymcmillan <[email protected]>
Date: Sun May 19 15:53:37 2024 -0400


diff --git a/src/main.rs b/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1046208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+use include_dir::{include_dir, Dir};
+extern crate comrak;
+use comrak::nodes::NodeValue;
+use comrak::{format_html, parse_document, Arena, Options};
+use markdown::to_html;
+//static GIT_REMOTE: &str = "http://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips.git";;
+static PROJECT_DIR: Dir<'_> = include_dir!("$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR");
+fn replace_text(document: &str, orig_string: &str, replacement: &str) -> String {
+ // The returned nodes are created in the supplied Arena, and are bound by its
+ // lifetime.
+ let arena = Arena::new();
+ // Parse the document into a root `AstNode`
+ let root = parse_document(&arena, document, &Options::default());
+ // Iterate over all the descendants of root.
+ for node in root.descendants() {
+ if let NodeValue::Text(ref mut text) = node.data.borrow_mut().value {
+ // If the node is a text node, perform the string replacement.
+ *text = text.replace(orig_string, replacement)
+ }
+ }
+ let mut html = vec![];
+ format_html(root, &Options::default(), &mut html).unwrap();
+ String::from_utf8(html).unwrap()
+fn main() {
+ // let doc = "This is my input.\n\n1. Also [my](#) input.\n2. Certainly *my*
+ // input.\n"; let orig = "my";
+ // let repl = "your";
+ // let html = replace_text(&doc, &orig, &repl);
+ // println!("{}", html);
+ const BOUND: u8 = 200;
+ const NIP: Option<&str> = Some("README.md.html");
+ //const NIP: Option<&str> = Some("README.md");
+ let pb = indicatif::ProgressBar::new(100);
+ for i in 0..BOUND {
+ print_entries::<{ BOUND }>(NIP);
+ pb.println(format!("[+] finished #{}", i));
+ pb.inc(1);
+ }
+ pb.finish_with_message("done");
+fn print_entries<const BOUND: u8>(nip: Option<&str>) -> () {
+ let mut count: u8 = 0;
+ let html = "**/*.html";
+ let css = "**/*css.html";
+ let txt = "**/*.yxy";
+ //let glob = "**/*.md";
+ let mut nip_vec = Vec::<String>::new(); // Create an empty Vec
+ let doc = nip.unwrap().to_string();
+ for entry in PROJECT_DIR.find(css).unwrap() {
+ count = count + 1;
+ nip_vec.push((entry.path().display()).to_string());
+ let mut md_content = PROJECT_DIR.get_file(entry.path()).unwrap();
+ let content = md_content.contents_utf8().unwrap();
+ match doc == format!("README.md") {
+ true => println!("{}", content),
+ _ => println!(""),
+ }
+ match doc == format!("BREAKING.md") {
+ //true => println!("{}", markdown::to_html(content)),
+ true => println!("{}", content),
+ //_ => println!("NOT BREAKING.md.html!")
+ _ => println!(""),
+ }
+ match doc == format!("{}", nip.unwrap().to_string().replace("", "")) {
+ //true => println!("{}", markdown::to_html(content)),
+ true => println!("{}", content),
+ _ => println!("must be a nip!"),
+ }
+ } //end for entry loop
+ std::process::exit(0);
+ //README.md
+ let (first, remainder) = nip_vec.split_at(1);
+ let mut readme = PROJECT_DIR.get_file(first[0].clone()).unwrap();
+ let readme_md = readme.contents_utf8().unwrap();
+ println!("\n{}", markdown::to_html(readme_md));
+ count = count - 1;
+ //second
+ let mut breaking = PROJECT_DIR.get_file(remainder[0].clone()).unwrap();
+ let breaking_md = breaking.contents_utf8().unwrap();
+ //println!("\n{}", breaking_md);
+ println!("\n{}", markdown::to_html(breaking_md));
+ //count variable based on new documents added to nips repo
+ //traverse documents from last to no more remainders
+ count = count - 1;
+ //print!("count={}",count);
+ //std::process::exit(0);
+ count = count - 1;
+ //println!("count={}", count);
+ let (mut last, remainder) = remainder.split_at(1);
+ let mut last = PROJECT_DIR.get_file(remainder[0].clone()).unwrap();
+ let last_md = last.contents_utf8().unwrap();
+ println!("\n{}", markdown::to_html(last_md));
+ //println!("{}", markdown::to_html(remainder));
+ count = count - 1;
+ let (mut last, remainder) = remainder.split_at(1);
+ let mut last = PROJECT_DIR.get_file(remainder[0].clone()).unwrap();
+ let last_md = last.contents_utf8().unwrap();
+ println!("\n{}", markdown::to_html(last_md));
+ //println!("{}", markdown::to_html(remainder));
+ count = count - 1;
+ let (mut last, remainder) = remainder.split_at(1);
+ let mut last = PROJECT_DIR.get_file(remainder[0].clone()).unwrap();
+ let last_md = last.contents_utf8().unwrap();
+ println!("\n{}", markdown::to_html(last_md));
+ //println!("{}", markdown::to_html(remainder));
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