Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-02-05 07:08:55
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justBrian on Nostr: I want to make a small grouping of channels, say 3 to 5 small balance channels that ...

I want to make a small grouping of channels, say 3 to 5 small balance channels that is sufficient for sending and receiving zaps directly to the node. The experiment might be interesting for those wanting a node that is ok to be exposed publically but is minimal risk due to small balance of bitcoin, eliminates custodial or LSP mobile node usage, and still gives you the user experiemce of custodial / LSP mobile node . This will also be particularly interesting to start9 users in my opinion because start9 is unique in that you can run LND and CLN concurrently. So, you could have a larger more private lightning node running on CLN, complimented by an LND node that is more public, works great for zapping and eliminates using custodians or LSP mobile nodes.

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