Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-09 00:14:36

SOURCE CREATOR on Nostr: Vibration is Quantum That is why Consciousness and #Meditation (the primary tool for ...

Vibration is Quantum
That is why Consciousness and #Meditation (the primary tool for achieving Consciousness) is so critically fundamental for Transcendence (#Ascension)

When your Consciousness unifies (through MEDITATION), your cellular vibration instanteously "speeds up" into a higher, muuuch higher (sometimes), "rev state", temporarily at first, but ultimately permanently as we each achieve complete physical body ascension/transcendence.

AS OUR VIBRATION IS QUANTUM, OUR CELLULAR BODY INSTANTANEOUSLY BRINGS ALL BEINGS INTO HIGHER STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS - YOU ARE LITERALLY PHYSIOLOGICALLY "ONE" WITH ALL MATTER, and all Beings (every Soul/Human), you are multi dimensionally the same person in 8 billion forms and the Earth itself, all Life...

This is why #Meditation is so critical, set all judgment aside and go within every day for as long as possible, this is a primary key - go within and everything upgrades vibrationally - you enter the heavenly realms from within.
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