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2023-06-12 04:49:02

marriage on Nostr: ONE OF THE WORST DEGREES OF BLASPHEMY I'VE SEEN AND HEARD There's some very ...


There's some very disturbing teachings that are going around today in the apostate churches!

This claim that we can just believe in Christ and His finished work and it's just an intellectual belief, it's not a sin hating, modifying our wicked behavior to actually fit what all the epistles teach, just a believe and you don't have to turn away from your pornography to be forgiven. You can continue to lust after people that were made in God's image and you are covered!

Just believe in Jesus and you don't have to stop fornicating, just believe in what Jesus Christ did and you can continue to dress like a harlot and have filthy communication, you can continue as a rebel and there's no shame, guilt and condemnation, it's now overlooked and God is ok with it. You can continue to act like the rest of the world and be excepted by God now because you have this intellectual belief!

Folks this is one of the highest degrees of blasphemy to the shed blood of Jesus I've ever heard, what mockery, what hatred toward Jesus
Christs work at the cross.

These people that believe this and teach this have some very wicked and dark hearts towards God's laws, statues and commandments! This is some serious hatred toward people in general to teach this! Real Love would never enable and condone evil conduct! Sin kills, it destroys, it ruins peoples lives!

This teaching is demonic and I'm calling it out!

Unbelievable deception we have today folks and these doctrines are being preached today throughout the brick and mortar churches, no honor toward what Jesus Christ did, no honor toward holiness and purity, just plain mockery and outward SCOFFING at God and His ability to save from sin! His command to live Holy!

I am appalled!

I am disgusted by the insincerity of professing believers of Christ Jesus, this is a real seducing spirit behind this saints because these people will teach it, try to win you over to this demon doctrine and tell us we are heretics for preaching holiness!

The APOSTASY is now, the falling away from sound doctrine is here! The deception is thick and these people are going to the darkest part of hell!

The Holy Ghost warned us through apostle Paul two thousand years ago of what we seeing now!

1 Timothy 4:1

1 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.

Don't be deceived, the old testament God told us to live Holy and new testament We are commanded the same!

Leviticus 11:44

44 For I am the Lord your God ye shall therefore sanctify yourself, and ye shall be holy; for I am Holy.

1 Peter 1:15-16

15 But as he which has called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;

16 because it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy.
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