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2024-05-31 01:08:09

TK CTV on Nostr: As weve been barreling down in this electoral year. I keep seeing more and more ...

As weve been barreling down in this electoral year. I keep seeing more and more outrageous things being portrayed into the spotlight.

Lest not forgot as the death throws of the current system continues to falter more and more control will inevitably need to be brought forward in irder to maintain the illusion that the powers that be have said power.

That being said i can only see more and more things being put into the spotlight that continue to stroke the public towards more anger and hate in order to continually keep the public in an emotionally reactionary environment. As outrage continues they will keep doing this until the desired reaction is achieved usally something that creates the necessary justifications in order to enact things that further restrict our liberties. Sadly i dont see the masses not falling for this playbook as old as time.
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