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2024-05-20 20:49:37

Alby on Nostr: OUR TOP 10 FACTS ABOUT BEES: 1. Bees Never Sleep πŸ’€ Unlike humans, but like ...


1. Bees Never Sleep πŸ’€

Unlike humans, but like #bitcoin nodes - bees do not sleep. They take short breaks to conserve energy and stay ready for their next task, making sure their hive remains operational.


2. Bees Have an Internal GPS 🧭

Like #bitcoin maxis, bees have an incredible sense of direction.

β˜€οΈThese little navigators use the sun to orientate in the world, maybe they already know it's the Earth that rotates? πŸ€”


3. Bees have been around for millions of years

Since originating around 120 million years ago (#genesisbee, shortly before the breakup of Africa and South America), they were adapting and surviving through geological, climate... and political changes.

Reminds you of something?

Let's make sure they will stay with us forever.


4. Bees Would Get an A+ in Geometry

They need to store the maximum amount of honey and pollen while using the least amount of wax.

With the most efficient shape!
β¬’ β¬’ β¬’ HEXAGONS ARE BESTAGONS β¬’ β¬’ β¬’


5. Bees Dance to Communicate πŸ’ƒ

Bees perform a b2b "waggle dance" to communicate the routing information, ie. location of food sources to their hive mates.

The bee-to-bee dance conveys information about the direction and distance to flowers containing nectar and pollen.


6. Bees Have a Serious Sense of Smell πŸ‘ƒ

Their extraordinary sense of smell is provided by 170 odorant receptors that allow 🐝to detect pheromones, locate flowers, and recognize hive mates.

This olfactory ability is crucial for their survival and social organization

7. Honey does not rot.

Remarkable longevity and resistance to spoilage is provided by high sugar, low water, low pH and anti-bacterial properties of 🍯

Even 3,000 year old honey, found in King Tutankhamen’s tomb when opened in 1922, was still edible!


8. Honey Bees are generally not aggressive

β€” they’ll only attack when the believe their hive is threatened. Be like bees: practice #nonaggression principle πŸ€—

And don't mistake #bitcoin for #crypto.
Don't spread wasp's FUD.

9. Queen Bees Can Get Fired πŸ‘‘

If a queen bee is not performing well, such as not laying enough eggs, the worker bees can replace her by selecting a larva and feeding it royal jelly to develop into a new queen.

There are no ultimate leaders.


10. Hives are perennial structures, lasting for years.

Bees continuously improve and adapt their hives, like a swarm of #developers, enhancing its protocols and making it more secure and efficient over time.

Even when founding generations are long gone, the hive persists

11, bonus fact: BEES ARE AWESOME.


🍯 Bees are a symbol of hard decentralized work, dedication, and community. They pollinate our world's beauty, guard nature's hearbeat and produce sweet bounties.

They remind us that even the smallest creatures can achieve great things when they work together. Without them, our ecosystems would be in jeopardy.🌸


Bees are essential.
Remember about bees.


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