Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-04-09 08:20:42
in reply to nevent1q…kpgq

Eluc on Nostr: I don't care about this guy, he always looks pretentious and looking for attention ...

I don't care about this guy, he always looks pretentious and looking for attention and power. This kind of people can be dangerous if they get enough people listening to them without questioning anything they say.

This guy could be the next Elon Musk, first many people admire him for what he achieved (even if most of it iss being at the right place, at the right time) but then we figure out his true personality and deeper motivation: which is getting attention and power.

But the worst with this kind of person is when time pass they want more and more to show that they know everything better than everyone else, they figure it out before anyone else and the rest of the world is wrong. If they happen to be wrong they wiél never admit it and construct stories to still prove they are right no matter what.
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