Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-25 22:29:24

NgU Engineer on Nostr: bitcoin doesn’t eliminate the need for trust what it does is push trust to the ...

bitcoin doesn’t eliminate the need for trust

what it does is push trust to the periphery, instead of pulling it into the center

the answer for secrets management is trusting your family and friends with shards and social recovery

the answer for scaling will come from dunbar number uncle jim operations of LN routing, mints and local pools

the answer for trading is p2p cash on a personal level

the answer for mining is more localized distributed mining

unlike the nation state, which is financially incentivized to centralize power and decision making, bitcoin is designed to be a trustless structure that enables all kinds of models of trust at the edges

yes, organized power can come first for the exchanges, the big mixers and liquidity providers, the public miners, the payment processors, but as more and more of these operations migrate to the periphery, the return on violence to come after them is reducing
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