Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-25 20:18:17
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Laeserin on Nostr: If you look on Project Gutenberg, they have all of the different filetypes already ...

If you look on Project Gutenberg, they have all of the different filetypes already created and stored, probably with a database.

Nostr already has a database, tho (relays, an event store), where we're storing the books as events, which are the smallest, simplest building blocks of such documents. So we can always work parts-to-whole and generate any other view on the fly, including HTML. With a book, you don't need the speed and convenience of a websocket, as the text hardly changes and there's hardly any interaction. It's just you, staring at a long text, occasionally highlighting something interesting, and maybe submitting a review of the book, at the end (like we do for relays).

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