Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-23 22:26:50

Bill Cypher on Nostr: If I could look at reviews and see the reviews from my follows and followers ...

If I could look at reviews and see the reviews from my follows and followers separated out of the crowd that would go a long way to restoring my trust in their having a utility in predicting product quality.

If I could zap a useful review I would. If I knew my review wouldn't get lost in a sea of AI spam and might get zapped, I would write more reviews.

The utility difference here is big enough that this review system being on one site and not another would change where I bought things in some cases.
Ok. Been meaning to publish this for a little while now.

I think reviews are an extremely underrated / under explored design space for application that want to leverage Nostr (in particular, the social graph).

In this essay, the first of a series I want to publish on , I break down:

- how reviews drive commerce
- despite their being broken / fake / easily gamed
- how the internet originally won
- what’s needed to make the internet functional again (upgraded stack)
- how this upgraded stack makes a whole new design spaces possible
- how ONE of the many things we’ll fix is reviews
- how we’re going about it with a project we’re calling Satlantis


- as promised. Put it up on highlighter.

- this is what I was alluding to last week. That being said, I want to dig deeper on your particular comment, and I’ll do that in the next essay.

- Thankyou for your early feedback 🙏🏽
Author Public Key