Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-12-17 14:52:31

Daryn Cavalier on Nostr: Today you do not need to look hard to find people engaged in conflict. Conflict and ...

Today you do not need to look hard to find people engaged in conflict. Conflict and disagreement are everywhere. https://primal.net/e/note1yaxy438e7ps86tza8uwcgremtmsj5nz7msg4fje6dlg52kul5ajq74lgtt

Social polarization is the mechanism by which large firms are able to create conflict around selected topics. Once enough division and opposition have been created within the population it becomes possible for these firms to position themselves in a manner that generates a revenue stream. That revenue stream is not limited to dollars, it could also be votes, or simply public opinion.

The topic of “gender fluidity” is one of the easiest examples to call out in order to illustrate the point that i'd like to make. Traditional media outlets like television (News, commercials, tv shows) and social media platforms (YouTube, meta, twitter) are full of individuals and groups engaged in debate around the gender situation.

In order for debate to occur polarization must exist.

It does not matter for which side of the debate you are advocating. The action of advocating at all is to provide the topic with the sustenance it requires to grow and remain alive. The more passionately you debate the more energy you provide to the topic.The more energy the topic is able to accumulate the greater the revenue stream.

There are almost an infinite number of topics

Most people think they are doing a good thing by providing their opinions and energy to a topic in order to achieve a goal. Convincing others of their point of view. Maybe the thought process is…

If I can convince enough people of my point of view and that it is correct then we can achieve a majority and achieve victory. We can then proclaim our correctness on the topic, put it to rest, and move on. All having made the world a better place.

However, I can not think of one single instance throughout history where that scenario has played out. The point is, the firms that create these topics of social polarization want you to engage in them. It does not matter for which side. The result, for those firms, is the same. The result is profit. The point is division.

There is no winner other than the corporations and firms that are extracting wealth from the situation.

I do think it is important to call out how compelling it can be to engage in these topics. They are designed to be that way. They DO oftentimes have a very real and palpable impact on our personal, day to day lives. The creation of these scenarios is the mechanism by which the government achieves victory in the court of public opinion which allows the continued expropriation of the private property of its citizens via taxation and inflation. It is literally the manner in which the government generates its revenue. And they are good at it. Very good at it.

The “road to salvation” does not lie in winning the debate. The answer is to see through the charades. To recognize them for what they are. To ultimately opt out. To remove your energy from the corrupt system. The next step after that is to take your energy and apply it to a different system. To build a system you want to be a part of. A system, a community built around honesty and truth. Built around collaboration and cooperation.

The good news is that many people have been hard at work building that community and that system. A system built with freedom enabling technologies.

We do not need to bring the old, diseased, mindset into this new community. It's time to leave that thinking and thought process behind. We are here to create a new mindset. A new way of thinking.

What are the key principles we want to build around? What is important to us? How do we create content around those principles? What does that content look like?
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