Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-19 18:12:22
in reply to nevent1q…6d27

CappyNate🍁 on Nostr: Bingo. There's a perverse FOSS obsession that's hurting Nostr. Profit motive works. ...

Bingo. There's a perverse FOSS obsession that's hurting Nostr. Profit motive works. Bitcoin miners make money, why the hell wouldn't Nostr Relays?

Either directly as a percent of ad revenue.

Or by tokenization.

Subscriptions don't work on social networks though. So it can't be pay-per-use.

But relays are the key to the whole thing. Setting up a relay should be as easy as installing an EXE and taking 20 seconds of setup time.
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