Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-25 22:29:19
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SacredPeak (Dale) on Nostr: you can always learn more by doing than by 'school'. the school system in North ...

you can always learn more by doing than by 'school'. the school system in North America rewards memorization, not learning.

this makes problem solving and thinking outside of the box impossible because unless you are so inclined, and you just memorize to pass a test (then forget), and you won't understand how the subject or idea works, only how to spew back facts that are spewed at you. this you will be unable to think.

sadly, i see this all too much... but i am also super stoked when i meet people, especially young people who can think for themselves.

i met a lovely young woman last week at a store, she was engaged, had a real personality, and had her own Mind. made my day. 😇

critical thinking is not a learned skill imo, it's the natural state of our Mind, which is unlearned or covered up at school and in other dogmatic ways.

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