Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-14 18:34:37
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TK CTV on Nostr: The fiat shit show took immersing single player game play away from us. Incentives ...

The fiat shit show took immersing single player game play away from us. Incentives skewed to making a game that could be milked with DLC shit over and over.

No longer is a engaging storyline, with very intriguing deep characters, a must. It's all about how can we make this game make us the most profit in a time frame of X so that we can get you working on the next installment by next Y.

I remember going to the store to buy cartridge video games and even playstation times that there were so many games to choose from and games were being made just for the sake of being games anybody with any type of small crazy idea was allowed to make a game just for the sake of putting something out there for people to play and to enjoy and to Experiment with no longer do we have that now we have this we can't break out of our shell or Go do anything that's any type of risk because our investors or shareholders won't approve of this.

Being someone who's playing video games for the vast majority of my life I have found myself more and more over the last at least 8 years finding less and less enjoyment out of any of the games being created or released today because no longer is it about actually having an intriguing storyline that actually engages the player but more just make everything blow up and explode and be able to shoot other people as the only metric for what's considered "fun"
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