Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-18 00:07:11
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Colby Serpa💡 on Nostr: Honestly jb, I’m going to declare independence from fiatjaf’s madness soon. ...

Honestly jb, I’m going to declare independence from fiatjaf’s madness soon.

I’ve been interested in nostrability for maintaining compatibility across clients, as I’m sure you’re aware.

I’m working on a clear standard (list of cleaned up NIPs etc) that others can follow if they don’t want to try to sift through fiatjaf’s madness.

It will avoid relay hints for discovering missing content, and other bad/messy ideas (like NIP04) — distilling the best of #nostr.

Most of it aligns with Damus etc, but I’ve got a new outbox method that I’m eager to share soon. It doesn’t rely on the blockchain at all… it’s free and fast.

You all can be the judge of it soon.

Nostr is not what fiatjaf says it is. He helped start it, but I suspect the people are going to be the ones to scale it. People like us. Personally, I see fiatjaf almost always arguing in a disingenuous way — then he blames others for not knowing what to do.

As long as we create a standard that many clients can follow in a compatible way, we don’t need his mad king behavior.
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