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2024-02-24 23:26:21

Kasso on Nostr: #AI Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being developed rapidly. It wil change the world ...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being developed rapidly. It wil change the world as we know it. We're already seeing it happening and this is just the start of it.

Just a few of the ways on how it will be used:

1. Meetings will be recorded by an AI app and by the end it generates You a summary in text of it. You'll be able to click 1 subject and it will show You a more in dept summary of that part of the meeting.

2. Content online will be generated by AI. You'll see a known person speaking with their own voice, but it isn't actually them, it's the AI that got feeded some real content from that person before anf now to You it is exactly as if it is that person talking.

3. You'll feed an AI app photo's, videos and written text of a relative that is already deceased. After that You'll be able to talk with that person, AI generated, in a video call which will be very realistic.

4. Dating apps such as Tinder will be loaded by attractive AI generated persons. You'll get matches and You'll be able to chat, call and exchange photo's with such a profile, but You'll be not able to have a physical date with that 'person'. The long term result will be that people abandon dating apps and will go back to physical dating in bars and such.

5. AI will be combined with Augmented Reality (AR) using glasses. Once wearing those glasses in the meat space, the AI will generate a view of the world that is to You perfect. Everyone can now see their own perfect world. Reality mixed with digital fiction. It will be highly addictive and some people won't be able to live without this anymore.

Off course these are just a few examples, but this is coming and it will be very life changing. Expect it! 😉
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