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# Use Cronjobs
### To Set Random Wallpaper from UnSplash

To get a random pictures from UnSplash using keywords, and then set the pictures as wallpapers in Cinnamon or Mate, you can use a script file, and call it with crontab.

This [website](https://youness.net/linux/set-random-wallpapers-unsplash-com-ubuntu) explains how:

### For Cinnamon Desktop
In addition to what the website says, modify the unsplash.sh like this to get smooth wallpaper transition:
(Replace **`water,nature`** with your own keywords)
wget -O /var/tmp/wallpaper-temp.jpg https://source.unsplash.com/1920x1080/?water,nature

mv /var/tmp/wallpaper-temp.jpg /var/tmp/wallpaper.jpg

gconftool set org.cinnamon.desktop.background picture-uri 'file:///var/tmp/wallpaper.jpg'

Type this command:
crontab -e
Add this line to run script every 5 mins.:
*/5 * * * * /bin/unsplash.sh

Restart cron
sudo service cron reload

### For Mate Desktop
Use this command in the script instead of the Cinnamon command above:
settings set org.mate.background picture-file '/var/tmp/wallpaper.jpg'

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