Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Frank "RICO" Blunt /
2023-08-10 11:12:27
in reply to nevent1q…ye56

Frank "RICO" Blunt on Nostr: switching apps is going to get painful as nostr progresses and has been part of nostr ...

switching apps is going to get painful as nostr progresses and has been part of nostr from the beginning, its how the protocol evolves, an app implements and others adopt or not, there will be 'wars' in the future over this, ODELL (npub1qny…95gx) made a post on this
the inevitable nostr protocol wars are going to be messy, frustrating, and beautiful

feature - not a bug - of open networks

i think nostr librarys will be very important to keeping dev consistent and lively

already i find most apps other than amethyst painful
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