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bostonwine / Boston Wine
2024-05-08 02:05:40

bostonwine on Nostr: Setting up a newbie #Bitcoin holder with self custody in the next few days. Less than ...

Setting up a newbie #Bitcoin holder with self custody in the next few days. Less than 2M sats, around $1K value.

Thinking maybe we start with Sparrow for desktop, or maybe BlueWallet on mobile, instead of spending $60-$200 for a hardware wallet plus a steel plate, right from the outset. Would feel a bit like overkill.

He’ll get to learn about private keys and UTXOs this way, and I can also plant the seed (no pun intended) of caution around hot wallets, and explain why internet connectivity presents a small — but real — risk.

And when he stacks harder and/or NGU, we can do a new lesson on HWWs, privacy, offline storage/backups, and perhaps KYC.

Any advice/feedback for this approach? Other recommended software wallets? He bought his corn on CashApp, which I’m pretty certain supports a withdrawal to on-chain addresses (?) and not just Lightning…

I’m still new to user-onboarding with Bitcoin (ie a sit-down meeting, as opposed to setting my bartender with Wallet of Satoshi during a lull in business). So I’m all ears for advice 🫡

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