Why Nostr?What is Njump?
pkt / Peter Todd
2024-01-08 16:32:25

pkt on Nostr: https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/friends-and-plebs-dont-pay-w/ A neat thing about this is ...


A neat thing about this is that “Friends Don’t Pay” is actually the a only possible way Wasabi coinjoins could work, given that they've decided to make remixing free.

Why? Because Wasabi coinjoins are private, so it's impossible¹ for Wasabi to know if a UTXO came from the same user, or their friend.

And yes, I've taken advantage of this inherent feature multiple times, getting paid by clients who also used Wasabi.

1) Technically they could limit free remixing to amounts equal to that of the Wasabi standardized amounts. But even if they did that you could just send your friend one of those standardized amounts.
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