Why Nostr?What is Njump?
/ Visola
2024-03-11 18:47:51

Visola on Nostr: Hi to all Nostriches, I am here because I was telling Duchess that I’m ready to ...

Hi to all Nostriches,

I am here because I was telling Duchess (npub14yf…wpyu) that I’m ready to retire from my modeling career and was not sure what I want to do next. She opened my eyes to the idea that I should do something in the #Bitcoin space since my background is #math. I really like the idea of this, but I want to learn more before deciding what path I take carrier wise.

I have now started to read what Duchess says is the #BitcoinBible by saifedean (npub1gdu…6nak) . Have all of you read this book? I also have a few other books that she recommended for me to read when I am done with ‘The Bitcoin Standard’.

How did you guys get into Bitcoin? And how many of you are working in a Bitcoin company?

#Nostr #NewToNostr #Newbies #GrowNostr #Girlstr #PlebChain #AskNostr
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