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2024-05-12 03:17:52
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China's Economy Faces Dead-End as Government Policies and Excessive Control Stifle Growth
#87b59fc6 ver:0.17

China's economy faces a dead-end due to excessive government control and erratic policies, stifling growth and causing a decline in consumer spending, exports, and industrial expansion. The Communist Party's authoritarian control and forced submission of entrepreneurs contribute to the decline. However, some experts argue that China remains a dynamic and innovative economy, with potential for development in areas like renewable energy and 5G. To mitigate potential harms, policymakers should focus on maintaining private sector balance sheets and employment. China must address disorderly competition among localities and consider joining multilateral trade deals to unleash growth potential. Overall, China's economic crisis deepens, with predictions of more repression and isolation. #ChinaEconomy #CommunistPartyControl #EconomicDecline...

#newstr #China #Economy #CommunistParty #Reform #Exports


Analysts Urge Bitcoin, Gold & Silver Buy as Elon Musk Critiques FED's Money Printing
#b1095229 ver:0.23

Concerns about rising US government debt are driving surges in #gold and #bitcoin as hedges against inflation and a depreciating US dollar. US debt is projected to reach $2.6 trillion by 2034, prompting economists and experts to advise diversifying portfolios with tangible assets. While some believe gold will outperform Bitcoin as a store of value, others see Bitcoin as a hedge against de-dollarization and declining confidence in the US Treasury market. The recent approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs has further increased demand for the cryptocurrency. #economy #inflation #debtcrisis...

#newstr #UsDebtCrisis #Gold #Bitcoin #Inflation #Investment #FederalReserve


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