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2024-06-03 14:04:02

Gu₿i on Nostr: We often associate strength with physical power or dominance, but true strength lies ...

We often associate strength with physical power or dominance, but true strength lies in emotional resilience and self-awareness. It is a misconception that strength manifests through cruelty or aggression. In reality, cruelty is a sign of weakness. Those who are cruel often lack control over their emotions and impulses, acting out of fear, insecurity, or unresolved inner turmoil. This type of behavior indicates a lack of inner strength and an inability to manage one’s darker impulses.

On the other hand, genuine gentleness comes from a place of inner strength. When you are truly strong, you have the capacity to be gentle because you are secure in yourself. This inner security allows you to respond to the world with kindness and compassion, rather than reacting out of fear or anger. Strength enables you to understand and manage your own emotions, including your capacity for violence.

Owning your inner violence means acknowledging and understanding the darker parts of your psyche. It’s about recognizing that everyone has the potential for anger and aggression but choosing to channel those emotions constructively. When you confront and integrate these aspects of yourself, you gain control over them. This self-awareness and control are what enable you to act with gentleness.

By owning your inner violence, you prevent it from controlling you. You no longer act out of unexamined impulses, and you can choose how to respond in difficult situations. This conscious choice to be gentle, even when provoked, is a true demonstration of strength. It shows that you are not ruled by your base instincts but are guided by a deeper sense of integrity and compassion.

People who haven’t come to terms with their inner violence are often more likely to project their unresolved issues onto others. They might act out in ways that are harmful, because they haven’t learned to channel their emotions positively. In contrast, those who have faced their inner demons are often more empathetic and understanding. They know what it means to struggle with difficult emotions, and this understanding fosters greater compassion for others.

Moreover, gentleness born of strength can be profoundly influential. It can de-escalate conflicts, build trust, and foster deeper connections with others. People are naturally drawn to those who exude calm and confidence, as these qualities create a safe and supportive environment.

In essence, true strength is about mastery over oneself. It is about recognizing your potential for violence, owning it, and choosing to act with gentleness. This approach not only enhances your personal relationships but also contributes to a more compassionate and understanding world. By embracing this form of strength, you become a beacon of gentleness, capable of navigating life's challenges with grace and empathy.

When you don't own your inner violence, it owns you and comes out in all the wrong ways. When you own it, you are capable of a lot more gentleness than those who lack the violence.
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