Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-07-19 23:40:53

Bodhicitta777 on Nostr: Someone on Twitter asked these questions about how our world views are shaped. "A ...

Someone on Twitter asked these questions about how our world views are shaped.

"A worldview typically consists of at minimum 4 components involving answers to these questions:

1) What is good?
2) Where do good and bad come from?
3) Who deserves the good?
4) How can you do good or be good?"

I answered from my point of view, as it is right now:

1. a mind that doesn't fix on views and beliefs for identity, thus capable of working towards mutual wellbeing by actions of mind, speech, and body.

2. Good and bad are conceptual designations based on the interpretations of action in mind, Speech, and body. Actions deemed to be good generally create mutual wellbeing, whereas actions deemed to be bad creates suffering for self/ others.

3. All beings deserve the good, only thought coverings or mental inertia create blockages to acting with understanding/ compassion. This is generally due to ignorance to the true nature of mind/ phenomena as a continuum of all life systems being inseparable and empty of true self existent qualities.

4. You can develop the ability to do good by learning to witness the mechanations of mind and examine fixedViews and beliefs about self/ phenomena. There comes a point where the subject/object split falls away from simply witnessing. Witnessed and witness dissolve into pure witnessing and all "good" qualities arise from this basic nature.

Of course I must add that it's impossible not to have a view and that's not what I'm saying. Just that our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are constantly changing from moment to moment. The ability to be able to change views with new info and see from many perspectivesIs most helpful in adapting to an ever changing life that is always discovering more and more information about itself. So if we fixate on views and beliefs, it can become a barrier to growth in one's world view.

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