Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-01 09:57:18
in reply to nevent1q…u4ud

Eluc on Nostr: If you listen carefully to all these YouTubers talking about price they always do ...

If you listen carefully to all these YouTubers talking about price they always do that.

The cryprotips guy just talked about HK ETF and said: This is bigger than Blackrock, supply gonna be decimated. Or short term it will go down so big player can accumulate even more. Long term is bullish. (or something like that, I didn't transcript).

I guess all bitcoiners are bullish long term, otherwise it means Bitcoin will fail and we can all go home(less).

But it's a fun game, we like to give some prevision and come back when it works as a told you so. So whatever, it's part of the game.
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