Why Nostr?What is Njump?
JohnBNevin / John B Nevin
2024-02-14 14:42:22
in reply to nevent1q…ptd9

JohnBNevin on Nostr: I see the challenge as two distinct audiences / strategies. Receptive audience, and ...

I see the challenge as two distinct audiences / strategies. Receptive audience, and non-receptive.

Reaching the receptive audience is a communication challenge. These are freedom advocates, privacy advocates, those who have been banned elsewhere - pretty much anyone who has ever had an account on Odysee, Bitchute, Mastodon, Minds, Truth Social, etc etc. It would be trivial for these folks to set up an account here and see if it's a good fit for them - there's no selling them on the value proposition, it's just a matter of making sure they know it exists and how to do it.

For this group, it is only a matter of determining a) what the most effective way to communicate 'what is Nostr' I.E. 'the new uncensorable freedom social media that is easily monetizable with bitcoin + open source development protocol + that jack and snowden and lots of devs and bitcoiners are flocking to - no one can ban you there', and b) what is the most effective way to reach them with that message, I.E. advertisements on other social media, individuals posting to other social media, invitations to zapathons, etc.

Reaching the non-receptive audience is a popularity challenge. The biggest obstacle to their using Nostr is the fact that it isn't where their followers are. This challenge is only a matter of time and critical mass.

Assuming more Nostr signups is the goal, a) how to incentivize and or encourage people who aren't already doing what they can to reach out to the receptive, to do so? and b) how should those who have an incentive be focusing their efforts for maximum effect?

- Building out the protocol and allowing organic growth that results from more desirable function would resemble the principle of using attraction over promotion
- Directing effort toward prosthelatyzing the non-receptive may be wasteful
- It might be effective to create a cultural institution, Zapathons model - by choosing a day and time for getting signups, for doing purple pilling. Incentivize it somehow, if not just socially.
- Be aware of the tools that already exist that explain Nostr and how it works and how to start using it. No need to reinvent the wheel, just direct friends to what already exists.
- Enjoy the vibe as it already is, we'll look back nostralgically -- Pura Vida Nostriches :D
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