Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-09 15:17:47
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pringlestax on Nostr: This old chestnut… Phew … it’s a lifelong struggle of up hill climbing only to ...

This old chestnut…

Phew … it’s a lifelong struggle of up hill climbing only to realise you are in the middle of the fucking Andes!

But - when you understand the climb and validation is sought and strived for, from those who really count, parents, grandparents based peers - it can anchor you to discipline and ambition, in a healthy way and perhaps keep you on track to a life time of curious fulfilment.

Set backs and challenges are a given, but the hike will also offer amazing views across the journey.

I’m here in the Andes right now and this has been a great way for me to express so many metaphors and clichés to my grown children. Both physically and emotionally. It has also opened their eyes to how lucky they are and that luck is not a given either - it’s opportunity meeting preparation!

Have a blessed Sunday🙏 🧡💜
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