Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-24 23:08:57
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noBody𓅦🧱 on Nostr: Hi Matt. I’m a highly Normal™️ (not smart) person who happens to perceive ...

Hi Matt. I’m a highly Normal™️ (not smart) person who happens to perceive immense value in what Bitcoin seems to achieve - namely a protocol and its native currency that are sufficiently decentralized to obviate trusted third parties, enforce a transparent/fixed supply at all times, not be subject to any gov/corp/etc manipulation on a fundamental level, and inclusive to all

I don’t have the brainhash to comprehend the nuances and history of it all to the extent that you and some others do

But so in my mind, there is a worry that price NGU will frontrun mass usability too much, and therefore hinder meaningful adoption. Perhaps this is already the case.

Just curious as to what your thoughts are in this regard (that Bitcoin is literally not ready for mass adoption, but if/when there is NGU, nobody seems to care)

Thank you 🙂
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