Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-27 08:05:12

Sedj on Nostr: Gn nostr. But really, I'm having a though that I really want to note down. Important ...

Gn nostr.

But really, I'm having a though that I really want to note down. Important enough I'm ignoring my directive to not use my phone while in bed.

I'm really hung up on this trinary math/computing thing. Been on that for a few nights, finally noted it here this morning I think.

The general idea is that nature/reality isn't binary. More often, it is trinary instead. Energy moves in waves, not in ons and offs. A wave has a top and a bottom, but it also has the curvature between top and bottom. Even direct current electricity has an intermediate state between on and off; I think I learned that 25 years ago when looking at how computer memory is stored.

So how hard would it be to build a computer running natively on trinary code? That was where tonight started.

Then I moved on - why can't we build computers that are powered natively on AC instead of DC electricity? It seems we waste a lot of energy converting AC to DC in desktops and servers.

It seems to me that binary computing is well suited to DC, as DC exists as on/off states. Trinary computing might be better suited to AC, which alternates (that's the A) which implies some kind of alternating wave form.

Then this really started to spiral - if we are building to trinary, based on electricity wave forms, why limit this to electricity? Why not be able to "power" a computer with any energy wave form, like light, radiant energy, etc. This completely removes the need for AC power, or DC battery cells, I think.

So, how to encode data in a waveform? We have to be able to manipulate the waveform. That is how radio is encoded, either through frequency modulation or amplitude modulation.

Next, how to store waveform data? Now I'm getting almost ancient aliens on this, thinking that is what crystal skulls are supposed to be.

Sheesh. I think it is all possible, and way more efficient. Like orders of magnitude more efficient. Matter is stabilized waveform energy, so matter itself could be a likely store of waveform encoded data. Some matter is probably better for this than other matter, maybe that is why the skulls are crystal.

Does field energy work as well? Especially if the field undulates predictably? Could magnetic field (for example) be used to store data and/or power a computer build to natively use waveform energy?

Ok, those are most of tonight's thoughts. One important last one...

Why hasn't this been done already? I can't be the first one to think of these things, and likely someone more knowledgeable about electricity, waves, math, radiant energy, etc has to have tried this already.

Yet here we are with DC powered, binary computing. Not sure what I'm missing.
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