Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-02-16 21:39:41
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arceris on Nostr: I think so. Part of the free-market reaching the equilibrium state is ensuring that ...

I think so.

Part of the free-market reaching the equilibrium state is ensuring that all information is out there, so I’m doing my part by putting what I see out there 🤣

That’s why I said “ASIC operators should hold their pools accountable”

I could be wrong, of course, and many ASIC operators might totally not care about this.

Personally, unless there’s something extreme, I don’t think I’d support a consensus change that forces an equilibrium state. To me, the downside risk there is bigger. If you take the position that these are “unintended consequences,” what’s to say that a new change to fix this consequence doesn’t cause more issues.
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