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2023-04-18 04:00:29

Bodhicitta777 on Nostr: Shared from a friend THE TEST OF REALITY If something is really "real" or absolute ...

Shared from a friend


If something is really "real" or absolute Truth, then
it must have these three (3) qualities:


If something disappears it must disappear into something. For example, when you put an Ice cube in water, the ice disappears. So what is the reality of the ice?

The water is the reality of the ice. When we look into the ice, the actual substance of the ice is water. It's not made of something called ice. Its made of something called water.

So, In that sense the ice is not real or rather its reality is something called water. So, something that is real cannot disappear.


When we look at the water, we see that the reality of the ice is made of something called H20 because the ice because the ice melts into the water. And then the Sun comes out and evaporates the water and becomes vapor. So the water is not the reality of the ice. Its not even the reality of itself. Its reality is something called H20.

The H20 does not change. Its the same in the ice, the water and the vapor. It has not changed. The ice has changed to water and the water to vapor.

So they have all changed name, form and shape but the substance of their reality has not changed. H20 remains the same in the clouds, rain, rivers and oceans.

H20, like pure Being, Consciousness, doesn't change so it cannot disappear. The third criteria is that


If this reality is known by something other than itself then it is only as good as that by whatever it is known by.

So something that is absolutely real has to be known by itself. It cannot depend on another self to know. If it was known by another self then its reality would not be absolute. It would be a relative reality relative to this knowing.

What in your experience satisfies these three
(3) qualities?



The entirety of the world and its happenings, is perceived and known by pure Consciousness,
which is itself unchanging. In other words, the
reality of its unreality is unchanging. Trasciency
is the best proof of unreality.

Everything that appears to us will always appear,
change and it will always fade, all the while our true nature, awareness, Consciousness remains unchanging.

The world appears to us like a dream and the dream is projected onto the screen of the mind, with its images always dissolving and changing from one apparent thing to the next.

None of them true in their own apparent appearance. None have their own independent existence; only relative.

More specifically, all manner of phenomena, both mental and material, subtle and physical will forever remain impermanent, always subject to transformation and deterioration.

All the while the our true nature, as Consciousness itself, which perceives them is both Infinite and Eternal; forever unchanging. You Are That. Tat Tvam Asi.

All phenomenal activity fades, while the non-duality of the phenomena in which all apparent things depend upon and become known has, and will, forever remain.

Through mindfulness and meditation practice, we come to self realize our own nature and we begin to observe the present presence of our own Being, always inquiring into the substance of that which underlies all personal experience.

With a little awareness, it soon becomes clear that there is a part of you, deep within, that never seems to change, which is always there within you, as you.

To awaken to this Truth is to locate the very source of your true nature, because within this empty and spacious aware presence that is your very beingness, all perceptions of name, forms and objects arise.

Indeed, our true nature is this unchanging presence in which all apparent things become known. We are this aware presence of knowing itself.

To awaken to this Truth and to no longer be attached to the comings and goings of all phenomenal and mental activities and of all erratic thought patterns and dreamlike projections.

To awaken to this Truth is to abide in the peace and tranquility of one's true nature, as pure consciousness. Absolute, unobstructed Awareness.

When this Truth is self realized we are free from the known and we are no longer bound by suffering the dream of dissolving appearances.

Remember, transciency is the best proof of unreality. The reality of unreality is unchanging.

Metameza Ushi - Discovering Our True Nature
Metameza Ushi


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