Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-26 19:21:59
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Colby Serpa💡 on Nostr: We do have a solution… Development is already underway. You’ll see soon enough. ...

We do have a solution… Development is already underway. You’ll see soon enough. It scales outbox.

I outlined exactly why NNS breaks — but you only focused on the mean part of my comment. Focus on the meat of what I said before that.

When the spec is ready, I’ll make sure to share it here first. I’m drowning in work atm preparing for launching on the 4th of July, but after that it and Nestr are my main focus.

Be patient and I promise not to disappoint. 🙏 I’ve been trying to scale the CAP Theorem parameters of Nostr for 2 years straight now, so I get disgruntled when I see half-baked solutions that make relay discovery even more difficult.
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