Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-25 23:32:53
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buttercat1791 on Nostr: The event content itself is Markdown, I believe. Like Læserin mentioned, some ...

The event content itself is Markdown, I believe. Like Læserin mentioned, some clients may switch to ASCIIDoc. We'll probably need to support both, eventually, but Markdown is a good start.

So we need a Markdown-to-HTML converter, and eventually an ASCIIDoc-to-HTML converter.

The API endpoint workflow would be:

1. Look up 30040 event and associated 30041 events (or single 30041 event to return a chapter at a time, but that's implementation details).
2. Tie together the Markdown contents or relevant events into a single giant Markdown string/stream.
3. Pass the string/stream through a converter to produce HTML.
4. Return HTML to the caller.
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