Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-12 12:32:41
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karo on Nostr: the algorithm is really what makes Tik Tok tick (very sorry for this pun) it's not ...

the algorithm is really what makes Tik Tok tick (very sorry for this pun)

it's not just about determining what to show a user on their For You page to increase their engagement and app use time but it also is about whether a tiktok video that they made should show up on other people's fyp.

How does tiktok know what videos and creators to serve to others? It's easy when that creator has an existing track record but how does it determine whether a new creator is worth serving to others? They have to promote new creators because that how you find talent and keep the content fresh on the platform.

when a new creator who has zero video making and editing experience uses the built in video creation tools to make their first video and it goes viral with a million views because TT made it so, it gives that person a sense of "oh shit, I could totally make it big on this platform." Maybe they do, maybe they don't. spoiler alert: most don't and they spend the rest of their life chasing that high. While they're chasing, they become very loyal (read: addicted) users of the app while also generating new content that could possibly be the next big thing.
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