Why Nostr?What is Njump?
stacksatsio / StackSats.IO
2024-04-23 16:54:13
in reply to nevent1q…5yjs

stacksatsio on Nostr: You are a Bitcoiner, selling yourself out for ETH shekels. You’ll find no sympathy ...

You are a Bitcoiner, selling yourself out for ETH shekels.

You’ll find no sympathy here mate.

There is no respect in what you’re doing at Casa.

You claim to be an Ancap which inherently means rejecting customers you don’t want but then you went and built a whole service arm for the mETHeads.

Casa cannot possibly focus on BTC as well as competitors when your company is dedicating resources to mETH.

I’m signing up for Nunchuk after your company account told me to compare - I did and I found Casa benefits shitcoinery whilst Nunchuk wants to just support BTC.
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