Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-18 13:17:52
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SacredPeak (Dale) on Nostr: yes and they have access to all your data, they outed themselves with phone pictures ...

yes and they have access to all your data, they outed themselves with phone pictures with their very poorly received scan everyone's photos for child porn scheme that people have forgotten. sure they may shield your IP but...

don't fall for it and FFS if you are an Apple user and don't like what I am saying and want to argue because you want to believe them... don't be. and read their EULA. it's not the same EULA it was 10 years ago etc.

all Apple does is says words that appease their customer base while keeping your data all for themselves to sell and blocking third parties. you are their product is just locked in to them.

take a look online for Apple privacy washing, there are many reputable privacy researchers around and good articles. the mainstream media doesn't promote these articles for reasons (paid corporate ads). Subscribe to tech and security blogs and watch on techmeme.

Apple has access to your iCloud info, whenever they want and they do sell some of your data while blocking 3rd party apps from doing it. Apple and Meta were both at Google's latest trial lobbying the judge not to allow the public to find out this stuff.

And often I see articles on Ars Technica on the topic appear and then a week later or a month later they are gone.




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