Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Séimí Mac Síomón
2023-09-02 11:29:06
in reply to nevent1q…6zu2

Séimí Mac Síomón on Nostr: 1. Goofballs taking selfies 2. If you want to talk about videos , let's talk about ...

1. Goofballs taking selfies
2. If you want to talk about videos , let's talk about the videos of the police letting them in by opening barriers.
3. Subvert democracy by taking selfies and wandering around aimlessly, get a grip.
4. You want to talk about minoritarianism and defend antifa? , Antifa are a state sponsored mob that the police turn a blind eye to, unwitting agent saboteurs sent in to disrupt protests deemed "non grata" by antifas globalist masters.
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