Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-18 05:24:31

Autumn Sun ☀️ on Nostr: Over the last few weeks there have been some who have spoken about purported ...

Over the last few weeks there have been some who have spoken about purported harassment here on #nostr.

First, this is an anarchic space. It is designed to make you and your voice nearly uncensorable to central or semi-central authority. It's not designed for you to shut yourself out from the world or shut select people off from your data at will. If you came here with that in mind, you've come for something deeply at odds with both the intent of NOSTR and what the technology currently allows without severe, long-haired tinkering.

Second, the environment here on nostr is very, very good for a twitter-style (globally visible, public microblogging) SoMe. If you don't like it here, go back to #twitter for a week and try your luck there. Then come back and compare experiences.

Summary: I have, since I use the two side by side. Twitter is hell and havoc compared to the chill, pleasant breeze of the Nostr user base and the daily interactions here. Twitter is decidedly full of sociopaths and sadists that have **nothing better to do** with their time than insult you and rile you up for no more glorious purpose than to give you an aneurysm. Quite conceivably, if you did get an aneurysm and hit the floor during a heated twitter exchange, a good number of the fuckers over there would get a chuckle out of that. No matter what your stance (ideology, religion, cultural issues, etc) on the world, there are a million people or more that are ready to carve off the flesh from your back in public view on Twitter just for their own (& like trolls/ideologues/sociopaths) entertainment, and to humiliate you in front of a potentially unlimited audience.

I have *never* seen anything that reaches a tenth of the insanity of #Twitter, here on Nostr, even when there were quite tangible spats and disagreements between people.

If you come to nostr to complain, you genuinely haven't got a clue how well you have it here.

My advice: Get a clue.

#some #culture
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