Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-05 18:45:10
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Artinferno on Nostr: So why not make spraying poison that may possibly harm someone else illegal? A flying ...

So why not make spraying poison that may possibly harm someone else illegal?
A flying bullet is an instant threat, but one may argue that that slowly poisoning the land/water is also an attack on their life. Would ABC also be applied that way? Poison them( maybe a bit faster than they are doing you,) so to get ride of the threat?

So the State has made a gun range in your yard illegal. If nothing would be illegal, no state, your option A would we a wild west kinda thing where you'd only suffer the consequences of whomever gets hurt and seeks retaliation in some way.
With B,, what if you can't afford it? You'd be forced to C, chased away by some idiot shooting off a gun next door.

So some laws might just be good to have, right? So a law that makes it illegal for your neighbor (or farmers) to spray poison might be also a good idea?
One may argue that the poison is not deadly in small doses.. might make sick,, make one suffer,, but ain’t a bullet..
We can keep going on with this, but I feel I made my point.

Would still like to know why you’d use glyphosate?
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