Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Kolomona / Sir Libre
2023-12-28 06:55:41
in reply to nevent1q…3a0m

Kolomona on Nostr: Don't listen to these folks asking you to ask for money from jack and the others. ...

Don't listen to these folks asking you to ask for money from jack and the others. Your product can stand on it's own, there's no need to beg and there's no need to be beholden to anyone.

If Damus is truly that important to it's user base then they should support it!

If Damus brings value then it should receive value in return. If it doesn't bring value and, you fail to elicit value from your users then it's doomed to fail.


Please study that site carefully.

Your users should pony up, if they have any sense of decency. "Don't be a douchbag" (No Agenda listeners will get what I mean by that.)

Apple did you no favors by limiting you, but I'm sure that you made many mistakes as well along your path.

I hope and pray that Damus thrives, even though I am not and never will be an Apple product user.

I'm sure that this message will get buried among the massive amounts o f replies to your post, and you'll likely not see it 🙁, but I believe that v4v is the only way for Damus to succeed.

Shameless plug https://lightningthrashes.com Sorry, couldn't resist 🙂

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