Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-10 00:52:30

Prisoner24601 on Nostr: I'm harping on this because definitions matter..and some people are confused. ...

I'm harping on this because definitions matter..and some people are confused.

Capitalism, in all definitions you can probably find (obviously language evolves and adapts) is based on private property and free, unregulated markets. Trade involves the exchange of property for other property, and if it is unregulated, would fit in the definition of capitalism. This guy is correct.

Money is the most marketable good in an economy that arises within capitalism, and can be traced back to the use of something as a commodity (a piece of other property. Bitcoin may or may not fit this in different views).

Communism, on the other hand, as the half-baked ideology it is, can be traced back to Karl Marx. I have read The Communist Manifesto. It is not natural, creates arbitrary division based on his personal assumptions, requires a state and aggression, and requires a change in the nature of humans just to theoretically come into existence at all, nevermind sustain itself. It is a pure fantasy which becomes a wet dream and tool of psychopaths to infect and leverage self-entitled nitwits to gain power and to commit aggression on the natural property of individuals (down to their body and life).

Understand the difference.

Radio Reporter interviewed me about trading wine for food at Farmers Markets.

Her, "it takes the capitalism out of it"

Me, "No, that's still capitalism. It's just routes around the corrupt monetary system."

I can't wait until people stop conflating Capitalism with our current system.
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