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2023-08-31 11:29:05

AmberApp on Nostr: History of Gold as Money 👇 1/ The use of gold as money has a long history, dating ...

History of Gold as Money 👇

1/ The use of gold as money has a long history, dating back to ancient times. Its durability, scarcity, divisibility, and recognizability made it an ideal medium of exchange. However, gold's drawbacks, such as portability and verification challenges, led to its centralization with trusted third parties.

2/ The gold standard was introduced to make gold more portable and profitable over distance. Under this system, paper currency was backed by gold, ensuring its value and ease of trade. Banks rehypothecated gold, benefiting from the business cycle.

3/ However, as the use of paper currency increased, the need for trusted third parties became significant. The Federal Reserve Act and Income Tax in 1913 established the Federal Reserve System, which regulated the money supply. Gold's physical nature required trusted abstractions.

4/ In 1971, the "Nixon Shock" severed the link between paper and gold, ending the Bretton Woods system. This decision had far-reaching effects, including a sharp fall in the US dollar's value, currency revaluation, and a surge in gold prices.

5/ The breakdown of the gold-dollar convertibility prompted the establishment of the petrodollar system in 1973. Oil-producing nations agreed to price oil exclusively in US dollars and reinvest their oil revenues in US assets. This solidified the US dollar as the global reserve currency.

6/ The history of gold as money showcases its unique characteristics and it’s role in shaping monetary systems. To delve deeper into this fascinating topic, check out the article below for a comprehensive exploration.

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