Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Vitor Pamplona
2024-04-12 11:50:35
in reply to nevent1q…decr

Vitor Pamplona on Nostr: Biggest challenge is having to deal with video editing and rendering in an efficient ...

Biggest challenge is having to deal with video editing and rendering in an efficient (bandwidth/CPU) way. Video libraries for devs are few and full of junk. Video formats are annoying and mobile CPUs vary their support for them. The dev will likely recode rendering, compression and editing components from scratch. Especially if going with a native app.

Second issue is language/i18n for video and audio. The dev must either lock people down to their own language silos or find ways to translate audio and video text references without centralized services.

Third issue is related to replies/video boosts and the ability of viewers to join the discussion with their own videos. Most of what TikTok does is about getting people to copycat content extremely easily, creating a larger sense of community.
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