Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-25 16:35:50
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Joel Walbert on Nostr: You might as well call me a racist. Its just as dismissive as accusing me of being ...

You might as well call me a racist. Its just as dismissive as accusing me of being angry. Im a felon because of two snitches. I will be angry about some piece of trash compiling lists for Google and Apple to comply with their ToS. This isnt a fucking game. Peoples lives get ruined because of lists like these. Have you not paid attention the past few years what happened to peoples careers over wrong think? This dude is working for those who want us silenced and dead, and whether he is doing it wittingly or unintentionally doesnt matter. He is doing this to be a good little boy to comply with the app store ToS, according to him. He is a snake, but why should it surprise me some people dont get it when Jack Dorsey is treated like a god here instead of the piece of trash who went full bore on online censorship and de-platforming while still at twatter.
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