Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-10-31 15:31:53

Tracy on Nostr: After using SeedSigner for the last couple of months, I'm convinced it's the best way ...

After using for the last couple of months, I'm convinced it's the best way to secure your bitcoin. Why?

It's trustless, like the ethos of Bitcoin. You're using off-the-shelf hardware, the code is open source, keys can (and should) be generated offline and the device isn't even storing your them!

Keys are stored in a QR code and should be backed up to something physical (stainless steel, etc). A passphrase is crucial. It provides the final level of protection from various forms of attack.

No need to twist yourself in knots and trust secure elements, closed-source code, kill-switch PINs, etc. After using a Trezor One for years, I'm convinced SeedSigner is the way.
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