Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-03-27 03:43:45

tigs on Nostr: miljan primal - Does your amazing nostr web front-end have a way of being easily ...

- Does your amazing nostr web front-end have a way of being easily imported into Umbrel or another node packager? Or even with something running portainer?

Was even thinking that Umbrel should have a side app store that's nothing but Nostr apps, clients and experiences too.

& Nostrudel are incredible don't get me wrong but I get special feelings for Primal and it's ability to just 'work' nearly always in the recent weeks. 😃 I think many hardly know how to scratch the surface of Nostr ! (myself included). Would absolutely go bananas if something like https://spring.site came to iOS too!

If there's a simply bounty that needs to be listed so someone feels compelled to create a Primal instance on Umbrel or whatnot or even teach me V4V... I'd be happy to pay!
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