Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-19 12:51:21
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Bboc on Nostr: I have been extremely blessed in my life. I was able to grow up with both sets of ...

I have been extremely blessed in my life. I was able to grow up with both sets of grandparents and a great grandmother, great aunts and uncles. I was blessed with having two amazing step parents. I've lost the grands, and the greats at this point and miss the those I was closest to dearly. My stepdad passed away years ago and I still miss him. I remember hearing when I was kid how important it is to spend time with these people because they are going to be gone one day. As a kid you don't put much stock into that because you don't have the capacity of understanding the finality. As an adolescent it hits you more, but you are transforming into your own person. As an adult it stings. As you continue to age you reflect on the past more and what you've experienced, what you've learned from those people, and how you miss those days. I realize I have nowhere near the wisdom they had in the singular, much less the collective of them. I wish that I could ask them so many questions. I still have both of my parents though and speak to them often because even though I'm swamped in life, they aren't getting younger and I can appreciate their wisdom and knowledge more now.

Hug your parents, grandparents and your kids if you have them. None of us will be here forever and man time is fleeting like grains of sand falling from your hands. Make the most of it, but love your family the most because they are the ones that are going to miss you when you're gone.
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