Why Nostr?What is Njump?
lucas /
2024-05-18 00:17:47

lucas on Nostr: lmao not wrong though ...

lmao not wrong though

The protests have become just veiled racism at this point. It's laughably bad how quickly people on the far-left have turned racist despite virtue signalling all the time how non-racist they allegedly are. It's possible to be against Israel's response, without being racist towards regular Jews...

"Of Israeli Jews alive today, 80% were born in Israel. A majority of Israel’s Jews are not descended from Europe but rather from Arab nations, including from the parcel of land known today as modern Israel. Known as Mizrachim in Hebrew, they hail from Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria and Algeria, as well as from the Asian caucus region of the former Soviet Union. "

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